June 12, 2017

Implementation And User Interface


Hello all,

This is our third blog update. We are successfully done with system design of application .Here you will find an information about applied coding conventions, different users of our application and prototyping for the application. Coding conventions:

Coding Conventions

Coding Conventions povides a set of rules for a team of developers which makes code written by others team members easy to understand and develop.

In this project we are using our own coding conventions as we have decided during the team meeting.

We have used a mix of JAVA coding conventions and some of our own conventions.

  1. Imports

    We have decided not to use wildcard imports, static or otherwise.

  2. Naming Conventions

    • Class names are mixed case with first letter of each internal word to be capitalized. Class names will be discriptive of what’s its supposed to do.

    • Method names will be verbs and are mixed cases. These too will be discriptive of what the method is meant for.

    • Commenting Conventions will be mix Block Commenting for class discription, Single line comments for specific things.

	    //Class with mixed cases 
            public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity

    	    //Method Naming Convention
            public void AddUser(Active active)

            //Single line comments
            Cursor cursor = db.query(TABLE_ACTIVE, //Table to query
            columns,    //columns to return
            null,        //columns for the WHERE clause
            null,        //The values for the WHERE clause
            null,       //group the rows
            null,       //filter by row groups
            sortOrder); //The sort order

            //Block comments
            private String DROP_USER_TABLE = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE_ACTIVE;
            * Constructor
            * @param context
            public DatabaseHelper(Context context) {
            	  super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);

This helps us in managing the code effectively, the Block commenting helps us in making descriptive comment about particular things, and single line comments for small minute details. Context of use:

Activity monitoring is simple and easy to use application. It is very helpful for students and working professionals to manage their time day by day. Here we have found two pesronas for whom this application will be more suitable.

1. Student

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Name Sheldon Copoer
Gender Male
Major responsibilities He is a master’s degree student in university
Demographics Sheldon Copoer is an American and he has been Studying Digital Engineering in USA. He is an active participant in physical game and fond of new technological advancements. His family status is single.
Education Received graduation degree in electronics and information technology from well-known university of USA. He is Pursuing master’s in DE
Work experience He has been working as a research assistant with one of the professor in the University for Year and an half.
Technical details Sheldon Copoer has been a hard core user of android phones, laptop and tablet for many years now and has a sound knowledge of coding and keen interest in upcoming technology.
Goal Sheldon Copoer want to keep track of total hours spent at work in a day at university and total number of lectures attended in the university from morning to evening. Apart from this he wants to have clear idea about hours spent on sports activity in the evening.

2. Sportsman

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Name Ben Stokes
Gender Male
Major responsibilities Currently playing with England cricket team as a bowling all-rounder.
Demographics Ben stokes is an English cricketer living in London. He is fitness freak, active sportsman and gadget lover.
Education He has done his graduation in Economics.
Technical details He is average user of android phones and tablets for his email and gaming purposes.
Goal Ben’s main objective is to keep track of total hours spent in gym during a day and how many hours he has been spending in cricket net practice (sports activity) every week. He also wants to know about average time spent on social gathering per week.

Paper prototype of Application:

1. Create new activity

The paper prototype for creating a new activity is shown below.

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2. History

The paper prototype for history overview is shown below.

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Story board for creating new activity

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Story board for history overview

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Colored Interface

1. Create New Activity

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2. Navigation

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3. Settings

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4. Home

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Summary of changes

There are no changes

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Bis Bald