Blinker -- Implementation & UI Design

11 Jun 2017

Implementation & UI Design

Why Have Code Conventions Code conventions are important to programmers for a number of reasons?

80% of the lifetime cost of a piece of software goes to maintenance.Hardly any software is maintained for its whole life by the original author.Code conventions improve the readability of the software, allowing engineers to understand new code more quickly and thoroughly. If you ship your source code as a product, you need to make sure it is as well packaged and clean as any other product you create.

The First Letter should be uppercase for a class it is the rule (but remember the word "class" doesn't contain uppercase). See the following to understand, Note the uppercase, lowercase differences.

If it is a method : eg; getBalance(). methods, variables start with lowercase In the middle to make it meaning full you can use an uppercase. The image below explains it clearly...These are called as Java code conventions

Adheres to our coding conventions

1) Regularly discussion about the coding standards, how do we name the classes, attributes, name of the buttons, naming plain text attributes, Spinner button attributes,…etc.
2) We followed JavaOracle convention standard from the documentation.
3) Regular update of the documentation on the coding conventions, how we are specifying the attribute names are given in the code.

Context of Use Person 1

Name : Philip Waxweiler
Age : 27 years old
Occupation: EE/IT student


1) Attending Lecture and Exercises class.
2) Research and writing Master thesis.
3) going to Student Job.
4) Attending to dance course.
5) Writing Application programing.

Goals and Tasks

1) He needs mobile application to track number of hours that he spending on each activity.
2) Time management.
3) As a student, I have limit number of months for finishing my master thesis and I need to be more time conscious.
4) AS a student, I am doing student job which I can work only 40 hours per month, so I need to track how many hours I am working.

Context of Use Person 2

Name : Danna Zimmerman Age : 29 years old/Married Occupation: PhD. Research Assistant of Neurobiology department/ Mother


1)As a research assistant I am taking lecture classes for bachelor students.
2)Working on Doctoral thesis.
3)Meeting the company that I am doing my doctoral topic with them.
4)As a family person I need to spend more time with my family members.
5)Every week Reporting about my process in my project.

Goals and Tasks

1)She needs the application to better managing her time on diverse responsible that she has.
2)As a PhD student every week she should report about her process on her research topic.
3)As a lecturer she should to finish the different module of the course in specific amount of time (one semester) for her students.
4)Spending more time with my family especially my child.

User interface

In home page user selecting adding activity, then secon secreen will appear.

In the second Screen If adding activity belongs to Default category,They can pick and add.

If use Select List Activity where they can see List Screen, from there they can update or view the activitys.

If user select Update Activity Where User can chage date, time , category of the activity then save. It will update to the databese according to category type .

When user select View Button on the list page the follwiing page will appear.Viewing the number of hours worked on the specific activty.

Colors used in user interfaces

Colors have key role to encourage users to use the application, so we have been looking to the psychology of color to help us to design our application. As far as we have more young users (students’ community) for our application, we combined two colors orange and blue together.

Orange is cheerful color and promotes liveliness and attention-grabbing. It is a more balanced and less overwhelming color than red. Energetic, friendly and inviting, it is ideal for designs that need movement and energy.

Blue is the color of the heavens and oceans and brings to mind peace and serenity. It implies trust, devotion, intelligence, intellect, faith and truth. Blue signifies trustworthiness and provides an air of coolness.

Combination of this two colors excite the senses of vibrant and confidence to our users.

Key Changes

According to our application that is time management and monitoring activity of students. We have new case of use for user that is category of activity. For this attribute we have some default values like different activities related to the same category, for instance like attending different lectures are going to one category with the name of “Studying”. And also user have ability to add new private activities according to his/her needs.

We have different category type views for the activitys.

1)Default view Daily: for the activities that the user use full day on that special activity for example attending conference or university excursion.
2)Default view Weekly / Monthly.
3)View according applying the activity name, category of the activity, start date and end date of the activity.


Thanking you
