Introduction about Team HackSlash

21 Apr 2017


We welcome you to our team’s blog. Here we describe the informations about our Team, Reponsibilities, Project, Motiviation etc.,

Introduction about our project:

In human life two things play a significant role

So it’s quite obvious that we have selected “Money Management” as our teams project. We are motivated Master students interested in learning Android Application Development framework and our Goal is to develop an Android App which will be helpful in everyone’s day to day life. By developing the “Money Management” application we are not only enhancing our skills but contributing to everyone’s economical life.

Our Team:

Team Members

Team Logo


“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.” This quote by Anthony J. D’Angelo sums up our team’s approach towards the project. Our motivation is to understand the entire software development life cycle involved right from the Requirements Gathering until final product is delivered with full satisfaction to the customer.

The skills that we attain through out project will not only helps us to mould ourselves as a perfect software engineer but also helps us to gain knowledge about the tools which will be used at different levels. We don’t have any doubts that the Leadership qualities, Team work and the Soft skills that we are going to gain throughout the project is going to play a vital role in our future career prospects.

Process Model:

We will be using “SCRUM” model throughout our product development life cycle. The basic idea behind this is we would like to progress parallely in each phase of product development. It not only helps us to deliver the product within the scheduled time frame but also helps us to adapt to the changing circumstances.

The following picture depicts the different phases of scrum methodologies that we will adapt in our product development life cycle.

Scrum Process Model

Roles and Responsibilities

We have defined our roles and responsibilities in our project as below:

Scrum Roles

Decision for the Roles and Responsibilities were arrived based on the outcome of brainstorming sessions as depicted in picture below:


Communication Methods:

“Communication is what makes team strong” and there is an old saying “Strength of the wolf is the pack” - we exactly believe in these words. We strongly believe in effective communication, We have calls twice in a week to discuss about our progress via “Team Viewer”. We track our progress by assigning issues, defining epics and milestones through ZenHub extension for GIT Hub thus ensuring that we adhere to Scrum Methodology for our product development.



Thank You for visiting our blog!! Thats all for Now. Stay tuned for our next blog.