Easy Budget
Coding Conventions
From the last requirements we did general conclucions and we decided that coding conventions should be in the first rules of android development. As you know when the application has good impression then the customers will be interesting of changing some features inside of this. Every team development would like to use cod without any dificulties. So, for that kind of goal every developer have to follow to coding convention. Reasons for using a coding convention include the following:
- To reduce the effort needed to read and understand source code;
- To enable code reviews to focus on more important issues than arguing over syntax and naming standards.
To enable code quality review tools to focus their reporting mainly on significant issues other than syntax and style preferences.
How do you enforce that all code adheres to your coding conventions?
At the beginning our development we have already decided that the possibilities of code conventions have to follow for the requirements which is shown below:
Class files and Method file
Class names must be wriiten in UpperCamelCase.
SignInActivity, SignInFragment, ImageUploaderService
Naming conventions for icons
Layout files
Layout files should match the name of the Android components that they are intended for but moving the top level component name to the beginning.
Menu files
Similar to layout files, menu files should match the name of the component.
Fields definition and naming
Fields should be defined at the top of the file and they should follow the naming rules listed below.
Use standard brace style
Braces go on the same line as the code before them.
Class member ordering
It is recommendable to use the following order:
- Constants
- Fields
- Constructors
- Override methods and callbacks (public or private)
- Public methods
- Private methods
- Inner classes or interfaces
Specify Context of Use
Our application can be useful for all people, except for children under 10 years old. To use our application, you need minimal knowledge of mathematics in order to understand what is happening. We believe that every person wants to know where he spent money, how much money he earned. For example, for each student it is interesting to know how much money he spent yesterday at the party. Sports / purchases / bars / transfers - all this can be traced using our application. Even for retired people who have limited knowledge in modern technology, this application can be useful. You are always aware of what is happening with your money and we believe that this is very useful for everyone.
Based on the above, we identified two people for whom the use of our application is very useful:
1. Student abroad
Persona: | international student |
Photo: | |
Fictional name: | Phill Richards |
Major responsibilities: | Master student in medical University in Moscow |
Demographics: | 22 years old, master student in medical University in Moscow, USA and not married |
Goals and tasks: | He is first time in Russia. For him it’s very interesting to know how much money he need for life. He likes to watch football in pubs, to eat well, buy books and of course travel around the new country. For this he can use our application and to know where is his money |
Environment: | Social, student, scientific environment |
Quote: | Proper spending of money and expenditure control |
2. Husband
Persona: | husband (head of the family) |
Photo: | |
Fictional name: | Aleksandr Ivanov |
Major responsibilities: | Works as system administrator |
Demographics: | 33 years old, system administrator, Ukraine, married, 1 child |
Goals and tasks: | As a head of family this person need to pay many expenses every month:
Environment: | Social and work environment |
Quote: | Regulation of costs and saving money |
Create Design Solution
When opening “EasyBudget” for first time, the user is required to create an account with username and password, and set the month budget plan. Every time “EasyBudget” is opened, the username and the password should be verified before showing the main page. The username and password can be modified again in the settings.
On the main page, there is some information. The date is at the top and 5 recent transactions is showed. After that, there is a percentage bar which shows how much percent of the month budget plan is spent. The month limitation can be set by users in settings. There are three buttons “ADD” “REVIEW” “SETTING” at the bottom. User can add a transaction, take a review of all transactions or go to settings from main page.
When user is trying to add a transaction, this page occurs. In this page, user can add a set the details of transaction.
When user wants the take a review of all transaction, he can press the button “REVIEW” on the main page. All the transactions are listed in order of the date. At the bottom of this page, there are two buttons “ADVANCE” and “BACK”.
User can press “ADVANCE” to get advanced review. User can select what kinds of transactions he wants to review here. For example, user want all the transactions between 05.07 to 10.07 which is pay by cash, the result will be like this.