Easy Budget

02 July 2017

Welcome to our last blog page! Topic of this blog is “Reflections”.

Technical challenges our team encountered

The main problem in the development of the android application is the presentation of the design of this application, the compilation of all technical requirements, which should include the android application.

  • Each member of our team saw the design of the application in its own way, so we had to make a kind that everyone would like and of course the customer
  • Implementation some parts of the program while writing the code. Sometimes there were different views on implementation, but in the end we came to a common solution
  • Version of the android studio. In the beginning there were disagreements, which version is better to use, but in the end, as a team, we came to the same versio

Challenges the team experienced by working on a software project as a team

Of course, each development team always faces different difficulties. We can distinguish the following, which we encountered:

  • As previously stated, a different representation of the android application, which sometimes led to discussions
  • Different representation of code implementation
  • The so-called "lapping". At the beginning of the course, we did not know each other, so we needed time to get to know each other and form as a real team

But of course, we think that these small difficulties have only benefited us, because we never reached the stage of quarrels or conflicts. Perhaps some disagreements help when working in a team, in the end, to unite all its members.

Benefits the team experienced by working on a software project as a team

Of course, when working together for this course, we learned a lot. For example:

  • Each of us had some experience in the design / development of the application / work in the android studio. We were able to combine these skills to work in a team
  • Working in a team helped us to become more communicative, because you cannot do everything yourself, you need to consult with other team members. It always gave positive results
  • We have learned to clearly formulate goals and objectives for each team member
  • We have learned to take into account the opinion of each member of the team when making any decision, sometimes in spite of their presentation of the problem
  • Working in a team fosters tolerance, accustoms to order, teaches to respect someone else's opinion and behave correctly during discussions, to overcome egoism

How the course did meet your needs or fall short

We believe that this course helped us in studying application development, the right approach to choosing priorities, and taught us how to work in a team. Selection of goals, division of tasks for all team members, joint tasks. For us it was a wonderful experience, and we are happy that we chose this course!

You can see the requirements for our application, download the apk-file and the source code by link: Play Store