Team SPUR :: System Design

Posted on May 29, 2017


We will be considering the following aspects under this publication:

  • Interaction Diagrams
  • Sequence Diagram
  • Class Diagram
  • Development Strategy
  • Summary of Changes

Interaction Diagrams

This generally represents the diagram used to describe types of interactions among the different elements in a model. The common way to draw an interaction diagram includes
  • Sequence diagram
  • Class diagram

Sequence Diagram

The sequence diagram is a two-dimensional diagram in which the horizontal axis represents the involved interaction partners, i.e. lifelines, and the vertical axis shows the chronological order of the interactions. The vertical line, usually dashed, represents the lifetime of the object associated with the respective lifeline. The sequence diagram presented below has four lifelines: User, Application, Database, and Transactions.

Class Diagram

It describes the attributes and operations of a class and also the relationship among the objects. The respective relationships can be shown by using:

Association:It describes structural relationships between classes. An association with two ends is represented by a line, and it can link any number of classes

Inheritance:The inheritance means that a class or an object is based on another class or object, from whom it has inherited its behavior as well as used the same implementation method

Realization/Implementation:The realization or implementation relationship is between two model elements, where a client element realizes the behavior that the supplier model provides

Dependence:It is a general relationship which shows that a class depends on another class. Therefore, any change in the supplier element will result in change of the client element.

Aggregation:: It is a special type of association that specifies a whole-part relationship between the aggregate (whole) and a component part. It is a variation of “as a” association relationship

Composition:IIt is a form of association with real constraints and has a strong ownership. It is represented by a filled diamond shape on the containing class end of the lines that connect contained class to the containing class

The visibility of the classes is classified into the following types:

  • + Public:It is visible to all elements that can access the contents of the namespace that owns it.
  • - Private:It is only visible inside the namespace that owns it.
  • # Protected:It may be used only by the class that defines it or a subclass of that class.
  • ~ Packages:It is owned by a namespace that is not a package, and is visible to elements that are in the same package as its owning namespace

Design Pattern

For our application, we have been able to indentify that we should be able to use the OBSERVER PATTERN , which : It defines a one-to-many dependency between objects. All the respective dependents are notified and updated automatically, whenever a single object changes state. We should be able to use it to monitor the dependencies between the transactions, the payment methods, categories and transaction summary.

Here, the core abstraction is represented by the Subject, and the Observer shows a variable abstraction. The Observer does its own thing, based on the Subject’s prompt. If needed, the Subject can be called by each Observer.

Development Strategy

1 Login and DashBoard (HomePage) Design and Implementation :
  • Login
  • Dashboard
24.05.2017 - 31.05.2017
2 Transactions Design and Implementation :
  • Creating transaction
    • Viewing transactions
    • Filtering transactions
    24.05.2017 - 31.05.2017
    3 Settings Design and Implementation :
    • Add payment method
    • Set pin
    • Set currency
    • Add categories
    08.06.2017 - 14.06.2017
    4 Nice To Have Design and Implementation :
    • Data charts
    • Exporting of Data
    15.06.2017 - 21.06.2017

    Our group has already started working on the 1st sprint, which is login and dashboard. Two of the group members are working on the layout and icons, while the other two members are implementing them. We are intending to complete the 1st sprint by Wednesday, May 31st

    By creating issues in GitHub, we are tracking our progress as well as assigning the tasks to designated group members. The tasks will then be completed based on the priorit

    Summary of Changes

    We have restructure our team and divide it into two; two people to work on the design of the user interfaces while the other two will work on the implementation

    We have also changed our APP LOGO as shown below:

    Old Logo

    Team Logo

    New Logo

    Team Logo