Requirements & specification

04 Apr 2017

P-02: Requirements & Specification

Welcome to the second blog of our project. After we introduced our team & purposes. Now, we push ourself to discuss about our Android application. In this Blog "Requirements/Specification", we talk concerning our Technical & Non-technical Specifications, Recognising Wrong assumptions, User Stories & Use case design.


We also required some other important requirements.They are technical and non-technical requirements such as Android studio and bit bucket, Prototyping the application, Programming and use case diagram & Management of time.

Gathering Requirements

Collective idea from one and everyone in the team is important.Work together with the team and get an repetive suggestion from the customers. Meetings with the customer is important tobe in the project. The requirement of our customer is clear and we are progressing towards there to make things happen. It is important that gathering the customer's point and working together with my team.

Analysing Requirements

Prototypes for the application will be helpful. By observing and analysing the trends and necessity in the present world and making an impact towards it is exactly team Inteligence is doing. Whatever the team does, our customer will be analysing keenly and moving us toward the actual goal of the project. Customer makes things and approach clear.

Specfying Requirements

  • Well suited factors are important
  • What do we have?
  • What customer requires?
  • How much time do we have?
  • Requirements that suits us most
  • By considering all the factors we can specify requirements.

    Identifying Wrong Assumptions

    There are situations that everyone's perception is not same. We assumed to create an application that helps students in studies, later on our customer cleared that any continues work by a student is monitored. There are also some requirements such as creating an online application, contacting people through application and uploading work. These things are irrelevant to the actual project. Our customer clearly requires an offline application. There are also priorities to certain categories and things. Which one should come first and what are the things should follow up with that is ordered well. Those things will be decided by team mates and analysed with our customer.

    User Stories

    As a Customer/User. .

  • I want an application to track all my activities and know which activities i have neglected, so that i can monitor my activities.
  • I want different category slots like study plan, appointment slot, exercise slot and many more, So that i have information about everything.
  • I want to add new slots according to the requiremetns, So that additional information can be stored.
  • I want to define the slots, So that i can easily recall
  • I want to save information, So that i can refer in future
  • I want to lock my application, So that it will be secured
  • I want to remove selected activities once it's finished or not necessary, So that i can saveam my memory.
  • Use Case Diagram

    Deadline image

    Future Work

    We are heading towards design analysis in our next milestone.

    Thank you,

    Arun Kumar.