10 Jul 2018



Software development was new to the team. Since all the members were from hardware oriented background, we initially faced hurdles in understanding the way an android application is developed. After attending few lecture classes and undertaking tutorials over the internet, we started working efficiently. Also, the tool (Android studio) was new and complex to us in the beginning stages but with teamwork, we overcame the hurdles and developed an interesting product.


It was an exciting learning phase for all the members of the team. We were from diverse backgrounds, each with their own technical knowledge and skillset. Every one of us contributed to the course in our best possible way and it was a new experience. Having gained this comprehension of the different stages contained in a software development phase would really be benificial to us in the coming days.



Actilog is a typical activity monitoring app. The basic naming of our application is Activity (Acti) + Logging (log) = ActiLog. This app would help an individual to monitor his/her daily activities. The user could log his activities without any limitations. Be it a student, a professional worker or a sportsperson, this app caters to all the daily routine activities.




Welcome screen Welcome screen

PIN Login PIN Login

Add activities Add activities

Select date and time Select date and time

Review activities Review activities

Choose categories Choose categories

Review result Review result

Settings Settings

Download is the link for our android application (.apk)

Open is the link for the source code repository