♦ This is our fifth blog which states the test case design, previewing black box, white box testing criteria we have considered and a summary of changes.
Black Box Testing:
♦ Black Box Testing, also known as Behavioral testing, is a software testing method in which the internalStructure/Design/Implementation of the application being tested is not known to the Tester.
♦ Black box testing is also known as Functional testing.
♦ These are the four steps to be followed while doing Black box testing.
Functional Requirements for Black box Testing
White Box Testing:
♦ White-box testing is a method of testing the application at the level of the source code.
♦ In White-box testing is a software testing method in which the internal structure/ design/ implementation of the application being tested is known to the tester.
♦ Test Cases are created based on models and requirements documents. Testing based on an analysis of the internal structure of the component or system.
♦ Each statement (i.e., numbered line) of the program is executed at least once.
Testcase 1:-Add new activity page.
♦ The above code will make Add New Activity button to link Main_Activity Class to Add_Activity class.
Testcase 2:- Date specification for new activity.
♦ This code will pop-up Date picker dialog to give date to the Newly created Activity.
♦ This Screen shows the Date picker pop-up screen
Testcase 3: Start time, End time Time picker.
♦ This code will pop-up the time picker dialog for start time and end time classes.
♦ The screen shows time in HH:MM in 12hrs format.
Testcase 4:- Database helper
♦ In the Database Helper class, the CreateActivity() method is used to create a new activity when the user fills in the details and Clicks on the Add New activity button.
Testcase 5:- Adding activity to database
♦ In the Database Helper class, The above code makes the Done button to store the New activity.
♦ As the screen shows Done Button to store the values of New activities in string formats as Title, Category, Date, Start time,end time Notes.
Summary of changes:-
♦ There are no changes in the project objective.
♦ But we have to make some changes regarding the categories by including drop down view for defined and pre-defined categories in the add new category class.