ISEE 2018 -- Implementation and UI-Design

12 Jun 2018


Hey there and welcome back to our project process blog. This time we are going to discuss the implementation and the design for the user-interface section of our time tracking application. Firstly, we are going to start with the implementation, to clarify our choice considering the IDE and programming language:

Implementation - Coding Conventions

Before we are able to start with the programming section of this project, we have to determine the particular coding conventions to ensure an efficient collaboration. To do so, we decided to apply, basically, the default coding conventions from java ( Java Coding Conventions) and furthermore add some additional rules:

1. Limited Function-Length

2. Function-Description

Function Description

3. Single-Line-Comments

UI-Design: Context of Use

User 1

In this case, the user James Bond wants to use our App "MY TIME" to see where he is wasting his precious time waiting for orders and missions so that he can put his time to good use and also show the time wasted to his superiors and make them work faster and give orders sooner.
He can add different categories like Mission time, Time wasted, Time for background check on the Mission and Vaction between Missions.

User 2

In this case, the user Bruce Banner, being a nuclear physicist and also an avenger when he turns to "The HULK", wants to measure the time he spent being as the hulk since he has no recollection of that phase so that he can monitor his change and also control his future turnings to hulk by analysing the data of the activity monitor
So, He creates simple categories like time spent as Bruce, and Time spent as hulk. Since the app supports the customization of categories, this is possible.

UI-Design: Mockup

After drawing up a basic paper-prototype, we created a handsome click-prototype, which you can out try yourself here.

You can try it yourself by clicking on the link and following the below instructions.

Also, below are the sequential screens of the app prototype which can be seen clicking on the link.

App Icon

App Icon

The app icon is at the bottom, When clicked, it opens and a PIN entry is prompted if pin is enabled in the settings.

PIN Entry


A numberpad with blanks for PIN is displayed on the screen where you can input the PIN.

Error Message incase of wrong PIN


The above error message is generated when the entered PIN is incorrect.

Home Page

1ST Page

If the PIN entered is correct, the homescreen is displayed. If the user is signing in for the first time, the screen displayed is blank, else an overview of day or week or month is displayed based on the settings the user chose for the display.

Add Activity

Add Activity

The activity can be added in the chosen category, subcaterory as desired by the user with the dates and times and then the data can be saved or cancelled by using the buttons at the bootom of the screen.

Activity Saved

Activty Saved

After the user enters the activity to be recorded and save the activity, a screen with default summary of the activity is displayed.This can be changed by sliding the screeens to the left or right on the screen so that the user can get the summary in the format required.

Activity Details

Activity Details

The details of the activity like activity name, date, timespan, description of the activity can be viewd by clicking on he activity sector on the graph.

OverView As Required

OverView as Required

The overview can be adjusted to display daily, weekly , monthly or yearly activities recorded as per the user's choice.



There are some predefined categories present in the app but also the user can add new categories and add or delete categories as per requirements.

Pie Chart

OverView as Pie Chart

A prototype of the pie chart overview in the app.

Bar Chart


A prototype of bar chart overview in the app

Hopefully, you enjoyed reading our blog article, so be excited of our next one.

Your myTimeTrackers Team