ISEE 2018 -- Test Case Design

28 Jun 2018


Hello all, we are done with the implementation and ui design (if this is new to you, then have a look at our previous article about the Implementation and Ui Design of our activity tracking app.). Now we are ready to move on to the next milestone: Test Case Design.




We choose five component classes for white box testing and five functional requirements for black box testing. The five components were.
1. Enter PIN.
2. Add Category.
3. Start Time.
4. End Time.
5. Date.

1) Enter PIN

White Box Testing



In White box testing, when the client opens the application, there are two different ways after that. One is to proceed with the four digit secret key and the other one is to open the application specifically and include errands. In case of wrong pin, the application will return the client to the primary page.

Black Box Testing

Pin_Testing_ Table_Pin

In Black box testing, the situation we are taking for test is Enter 'PIN', the information esteems we use to enter PIN are Numerical. The consequence of this testing offers access to the following page in the application called 'home screen of the application'.

2) Add Category

White Box Testing

Category_Whitebox Category_testing

Black Box Testing

Table_category Category_testing_

In this black box testing, the scenario we have taken is add category where the user wants to categorize his activities in his application so the input we give is the alphabets .The consequences of this testing is to insert and update the categories which in the application should edit and save the activity.

3) Start Time

White Box Testing

StartTime_blackbox Time_testing

Our third segment for testing called START TIME, In this the client can enter the time they make the course. The client can choose the time physically from the time picker the application produces. Once the client chooses the hours, minutes and time of the day. It displays the time and spare the time with the course. It will be used to plan a particular activity.

Black Box Testing

StartTime_Testing Table_StartTime

For this task, the user wants to enter his starting time of that activity. The input given by the client is numbers and the system should enable user to select the hours, minutes and time of the day from the date picker given by the application and should display the set time

4) End Time

White Box Testing


The fourth for testing is End time. In this the user can enter the time of the activity they require to record. This can be done with the time picker in the app. After the END Time is chosen in HH:MM for an activity, it should be displayed.

Black Box Testing


For the end time, the user expects the application to save the given end time i.e. the time at which the client wants to end the activity. The input given by the client is numbers and the system should enable user to select the hours, minutes and time of the day from the date picker given by the application and should display the set time.

5) Date

White Box Testing

Date_blackbox date_testing

We have our last segment for testing called Date", in this the client can enter the date they make the course or undertakings either. The client can choose the date physically from the calendar the application produces. Once the client chooses the day, month and year. It presents the date and spare the date with the course. It will be utilized for requesting the undertakings or for the information of client.

Black Box Testing

Table_Date StartDate_testing

Date will be the situation, alongside Day (numerical), month (alphabets) and a year (numerical) are date esteems. The normal outcome is spare and show the set date in the box given

Summary of Changes

There have not been any major changes made.

Hope you enjoyed reading it!