Test Case Design

03 Jul 2018

The Bananaquits



In this blog we are going to discuss about test case design for white and black box testing.

TESTING Software testing is an activity to check whether the actual results match the expected results and to ensure that the software system is defect free. It can be done either manually or using automated tools.

(By Avanthi)

White Box Testing

It is a method of testing softwares that tests internal structures or working of an application, as opposed to its functionality. To design test cases in white box an internal perspective of the system, as well as programming skills. It is also known as Clear Box Testing.White box test design techniques include the following code coverage criteria.
*Control flow testing
*Data flow testing
*Branch testing
*Statement coverage
*Path testing
*Decision coverage

White Box Testing Through Coverage Method
*The following code is for requesting and accessing the location using if else.It is clear that if the lines 287-290 does not satisfy the condition then it directly jumps to 308-309 if not it will go to 291-293 where there is another if else condition statement after undergoing that test it will go to 307.
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*This code is for saving the date and time when a bird is occurred in a certain place. If there is no instance of bird it will directly go to the line 103 and again if we don’t find any instance it will directly go to the line 106-107 and finally it will go to 110 if we are unable to get time and date.
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*This is for Location data that is for latitude and longitudinal values. As we can see if the lines 116-127 are true it will execute the lines 128-137 if not it will jump to 138-142.
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*The following code is for database table where we can see if the lines 168-169 is true it will execute line 170 if false 171-176 lines are executed again there is a conditions in lines 171-176 where if it is true it will go to 177. Lines 170 and 177 based on if statements. Lines 168-169, 170-176, 178-179 execute no matter what ever may be the conditions are.
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*The following code is for orientation of landscape which has been tested using coverage method.
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White Box Testing Advantages
*Test cases can be easily automated.
*Code optimization by revealing hidden errors.
*Covers all possible paths of a code.
*Transparency of the internal coding structure which is helpful in deriving the type of input data needed to test an application effectively.

White Box Testing Disadvantages

*Defects in the code may not be detected or may be introduced considering the ground rule of analyzing each line or path by path.
*Some conditions might be untested as it is not realistic to test every single one.
*Exhaustive testing becomes even more complex if application is of large size.

(By Avanthi)

Black Box Testing

The Black box test is a method of software testing. Based on the specifications and requirements these tests are developed without knowledge of the inner workings or implementations of the testing system. The program is treated as a black box. Only externally visible behavior will be tested.

Source:http://hackingig.com/what-is-black-box-testing/ (02.07.18)

Our team uses the black box test to check the functional requirements of our app. It is tested by two team independent people who represent the future app user who does not know the app code. Both test the same test cases which we prepared for different functionalities of the app. If they find some bugs they will note them down, so that we can fix it quickly. An example of testcases wich the testpersons will run through you can see on the following picture:


(By Viviane)

Summary of Changes

From the last meeting with the customer we didn’t face any problems regarding our app development. We had minor issues with the code as we could solve it by testing both code and iteratively.

(By Avanthi)

Layout & Design by Pooja