
09 Jul 2018

The Bananaquits


Welcome to our last Blog entry!
We are in the final stage of the course “Introduction to softwareengineering for engineers” now.
In this last entry we want to show you our reflections and the play store entry of our app. Application development is a step by step process from the initial step, requirements analysis, till the final step the reflections.
Only 2.5% of companies successfully complete their projects. Managing projects is a really challenging task. You have to take care of the projects, resources, deadlines, ensure proper communication and risks.
In the following we will show you the major challenges we faced during this project.



Apart from technical hurdles we faced some challenges caused by the team itself.


Poor communication
When collaborating, there is always room for misinterpretation and miscommunication. It turned out, that there were more misunderstandings due to the small number of personal meetings. Without a clear understanding of what’s expected, energy is wasted and time is ticking.


When it comes to maximizing the effectiveness of a project, no matter how big or small, teamwork can improve just about every aspect of its performance.



The lecture helped us to divide the big, seemingly unsolvable task into solvable subtasks. There was a kind of guidance provided for the implementation of such a project and we benefited greatly from the basic knowledge we gained. Thanks to the course we were also able to learn a lot about project/time-management in the IT-area. We get the possibility to apply our therotic knowledge to a real world problem. Furthermore, to work in a team helped us to improve our soft skills in teamwork, giving presentations & project management. It gave us the opportunity to learn a lot about ourselves and about working with different people with different backgrounds and different cultures.


The Banana Bird Tracker is a free Tracker for recording your sightings during your next Birdtrip, right in your pocket.
It will help you identify the birds around you, track the birds you’ve seen and get an overview over your last trip. you can create, save and export your list of birds. In a simple and self-explanatory way it is possible to record your observations immediately. Your collection of birds is structured and stored ready for retrieval at any time. So you can access it at any time and tell your friends about your last exciting sightings.

Adding/Delete birds
With a single click you can add your Sighting, see your results or see the Map.
Basic & advanced features
With a few clicks you can add the time and date of the sighting.
Individual notes
Taking picture

Individual setting to allow access to the devices camera and gallery

Logo &Logo

Up/Download pictures
Bird Location via Google Maps


Export to CSV


by Anna