April 21, 2017

The A Team

Introduction about “The A Team”

Hello All

This will be the blog of our team. In this first blog post we will describe the motivation of our team members and what compelled them to take this subject and we will describe why did we choose to take up the particular topic which is “Activity Monitoring”

Abstract of “Application Monitoring”

So the first question that comes to one’s mind is why monitor activities? We are capable enough to monitor our activities, why would we want such an app? Well a simple answer to that is “we have other more important things to do then to keep track of things you we are doing!” and also “we have other important things to remember then to remember what we have done in the past week.”

This app will let you track your time and will assist you in managing your time more effectively. As simple as that!

What was our motivation behind choosing this particular topic?

We had two topics in mind

  1. Money Management.

  2. Activity Monitoring.

As the saying goes “Time is Money”, we thought why not manage time? This application is also very beneficial to the students who are struggling to keep up with there schedule. This app will help them manage there time more effectively and efficiently.

The A Team

Vasu dev Mukku

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-“As an engineer, to get hands on experience on software engineering and app development. To enhance my presentation and complementary skills”

Bhavik Vala

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-“Being an Electronics engineer I would like to expand horizon of my knowledge in the field of Software development. What could be better then ISEE”

Jaydeep Gondaliya

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-“Came to become an Electronics Engineer, instead became an Software Engineer – the story of my life.”

Jay Vala

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-“Keep it simple silly-Planning to stick by it”

Complementary Skills

We as a team bring in a variety of skills together. Vasu and Jaydeep being creative people brings in their creative skills which will help us in designing an intuitive and efficient User Interface. They also have good strategizing skills to start with. These skills will help the team in strategizing a task that we take in hand. Bhavik possess decision making and time managing skills which will help in getting us through when we are stuck at any point in time, also he is a good writer which will help us in documenting and theorizing the app. Jay have logical, functional and managerial skills.

This team is a good combination of skills and everyone can learn different things from others. All the members have different levels of programming skills, which will help us in working more efficiently.


The mixture of skills allow us to follow the “SCRUM Model” for development process. We can work on different aspect of the application in parallel. This give team the ability to participate in every development process and learn to a thing or two.

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As seen from the above image we are currently in the requirement analysis and user stories formulation phase.

Roles and Responsibilities

We have divide roles and responsibilities of team members according to our skills

Vasu dev Mukku and Jaydeep Gondaliya - Responsible for Designing, Implementation and strategizing the work-flow Bhavik Vala and Jay Vala - Responsible for Implementation, Documentation and Managing the work-flow

As we have SCRUM model for development process we will switch places and help others if and when needed.


Effective and healthy communication is necessary in any development process. Hence we have taken following steps to ensure everyone is able to put forward their ideas.

  1. We have created an Whatsapp Group so that we have an instant messaging capabilities

  2. We have scheduled three time slots per week for discussion and decision making.

  3. We are staying in close vicinity, so in case of urgency we can meet and discuss

Circumstantial Changes

“change is inevitable”

Our team is capable in reacting to the changes that come along. The skills of our team members allow us to be flexible as well as efficient at the same time.

In software development there will be changes, as the technology develops. There are other changes like changes in requirements from the customer, change in trends and change in technology. We think we are capable of reacting positively towards these changes by

  • Identifying the things that are going to be affected due to the change.

  • Discuss and Decide

  • Take Actions

What’s Next?

We are doing the requirement analysis at present and then we will formulate the user stories based on the requirements.

Thats all for now folks!


Jay Vala