May 08, 2017

Requirement Analysis


This is our second post and here we are going to talk about how we managed to collect information and convert them into the user stories which will help us in building this application.

User Stories:

  1. As an user I want my home screen to display my previous day activity so that I can have an overview of my previous day.

  2. As an user I should be able to add new activity, so that I have a place to enter details like title of my activity, category, date, time etc. so that I have a clear idea of what I am doing.(epic)

    • As an user I want title which should have fixed amount of characters so that it’s easy to read.

    • As an user I should be able to select date from scroll down menu so that I can have a quick access to date.

    • As an user I should be able to select particular category from scroll down menu so that I can categorize my activity.

    • As an user I should be able to customize category so that I can add new categories.

    • As an user I should be able to add the start and end times of each activity so that i can easily monitor my all activities.

  3. As an user I should be able to add NOTES for each activity so that I have more information about an activity that I perform.

  4. As an user I should be able to have a clear button at the end of activity so that I can clear all the texts which i have entered incorrectly, at once.

  5. As an user I should be able to see the list of activities and the number of hours that I spent on them so I can plan other activities accordingly.

  6. As an user I should be able to see the overview of the activities that I select and not everything so that I can be more effective.

  7. As an user I should be able to see graphs of the activities and even graphs for the particular activities so that it’s effective.

  8. As an user I want different colors for different categories so it’s easy to recognize them.

  9. For an user defined category as a user I should be able to set a default color so that I can identify my category easily.

  10. As an user I want privacy option. I don’t want anyone else to see my user profile because it’s confidential.

  11. As an user I should be able to delete my user data at any point.

  12. As an user I want to have my profile where I can have overview of my time spending from start.

  13. As an user I should be able to edit my previous activities so that I can change the activities as I will.

  14. As an user I should be able to delete my previous activities if I don’t want them to be monitored.

  15. As an user I should have some help regarding the usage of the application so that when I am stuck somewhere.

Use Case Diagram:

A use-case diagram is the simplest representation of a user’s interaction with the system which shows the relationship between the user and the different use-cases where the user is involved actually.

alt text

Information collection:

We have had three meetings until now with our customer to know the exact requirements and feature specifications to develop an application.

We as a group have carried out survey among 10 people to know their problems and suggestions to develop an application in a way which can be helpful to the students like us to monitor and optimize our activities.

Requirement Analysis:

Customer has specified requirements in 3 different categories which are essentials, Necessary and Good to have. We have precisely gone through them and checked the feasibility respectively.

  • We used to have group meetings thrice in a week.

  • Brainstorming.

  • Guidance from customer on regular basis.

How did your team specify requirements? How did you map requirements to user stories/use case?

Initially we started to write user stories but it was so confusing and we were stuck at a point. Afterwards we came up with the idea of visualizing application first and then accordingly make changes.

Along with GUI, we also have user case diagram which is really helpful to form proper user stories and requirements. According to essential, necessary and good to have category we have mapped requirements to user stories.

Wrong Assumptions:

During first meeting we had communication gap and we thought that we have to allow user to enter data initially in the application so that user can track a record of activities during a day time but then we came to know in the second meeting with the customer that if we do so, it would be activity planning application and not activity monitoring.

So again we started to write new user stories and filtered the ambiguities which were present.

We have tried to answer all the questions for the topic “Requirement Analysis” according to the best of our knowledge.

Bis Bald.

Bhavik Vala